

Peruvian band NEW JUGGLER SOUND, LAGHONIA, SMOG, and the first WE ALL TOGETHER constitute the only rock saga in Latin America. With 40 years of permanence during which, although they have had their ups and downs, they always maintained a solid musical coherence oriented towards what today is defined as power pop. The best of their early magic is revealed in this anthology in all its secret splendor. NJS marks the commencement of this productive and secretive saga during the essential years of 1965-1973. During their founding moments (and they had many, as their history is full of reinvention) they were their country's version of the Beatles. But once they gained creative freedom and left behind direct influences, they were simply a great rock and roll band with an unparalleled sound. They started practicing and meeting up in Maranga, Peru, in 1965. Extremely influenced from the beginning by the Mersey Beat prevalent at that time, and guided by the exquisite vocal harmonies of the Byrds, they released two 45s on the RCA Victor label. The group soars higher into the psychedelic stratosphere and move more towards an acid style...

Titel: Trouble Childs
Label: Electro Harmonix
Stil: Transworld Beat Punk
Best-Nr.: EH-022
Typ: 10 inch
Preis: 22.- CHF

NEW JUGGLER SOUND - Trouble Childs

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Baby, Baby
I Must Go
The Sand Man

Billy Morsa
And I Saw Her Walking
Trouble Child
Oh! Tell Me Julie
We All

Electro Harmonix
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